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Joe Garrison
Fishers, IN, United States

Director of Contemporary Worship and Assistant Director of Student Ministries at Castleton United Methodist Church in Indianapols, IN. Husband,Guitarist,and Drummer
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can Worship and Performance Co-Exist?

As I have been working through the last 6-8 weeks of the Saturday Evening service at Castleton UMC I have been thinking about the idea of Worship vs Performance. I have had a couple people bring the topic up with me for discussion and thought I'd lay down some thoughts on the subject.

First of all, I am a performer by nature. From the time I was in the seventh grade I wanted to be a rock star. I mean, come on, what kid doesn't want to be the next Metallica (or Miley Cyrus if that's what you're in to). I have always wanted to be on stage in front of thousands of people. You can see how the tension between worship and performance can be a tough one for me.

I look at worship as a performance for an audience of One. My desire in worship is, and should be, to perform for Jesus Christ. If there is any other motive behind my "performance" I have missed the boat and need to step down.

Some would say that the talent level of a band and one's individual skills don't matter as long as they are worshipping God in their heart. I disagree.

The first thing should be that each member of the band is worshipping God in their heart. Secondly, they need to be talented singers and/or musicians. If the worship band is terrible, no one will be worshipping. The congregation will be too focussed on the lack of talent to think about God.

On the other hand, while the talent level of the band and individuals needs to be of a high caliber, the band should shy away from any individual taking the spotlight for too long. This is not to say that a great guitar solo cannot be in good taste and a part of the worship experience. However, if the face melting guitar solos are occurring in every song, every other bar...we have an issue.

I like to have a good mix of "performance" and worship and combine the two. I know when I walk into a worship service I am not in a worship attitude for the first song. I need some warm up. I like to bring the band out rocking, in what some might call more of a "performance" attitude. Then work into more of a worshipful attitude.

I don't think it is necessary for the congregation to be able to sing along easily with every song. Most of them...sure. Sometimes it is a great act of worship just to be in a place with your fellow Christians and move, dance, clap and enjoy the sounds and rhythms God blessed us with.

I won't lie...I am still working through my exact theology of contemporary worship. I probably always will be and am open to other opinions and thoughts. What do you think? Can Worship and Performance Co-Exist?

**The Castleton UMC Contemporary Service happens every Saturday at 6pm at the corner of 71st and Shadeland in Indianapolis, IN. Come and worship!**


pastor nathan said...

Great thoughts! I'll have to think about this one for a while.

Joe Garrison said...

Pastor Nathan: Thanks for the read and comment. I would love to hear you thoughts!




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